Little Spider

Dear Beautiful Ones,

     Sometimes the best laid plans don’t always seem to bring the desired result. Often we give up just when the very thing that we have been working toward is about to come to light. “If you take a look around you and pay attention to the natural world, then you will understand how things work,” a great medicine man once told me.
     Several weeks ago, a little spider came to my room and decided to make a home for himself inside the window sill next to my bed. He was all alone in that window and wasn’t any bigger than a speck of dirt. Every day I watched that spider. At first he didn’t seem to be making much progress and even wondered what he was eating to stay alive. Slowly he built a thin spiral web that went down into the groove of the window sill. Each day I watched that spider, and each day that little spider made progress. The thin web became pretty thick after spinning layer upon layer. Since I never saw any food, I figured little spider must have been fasting and maybe he was even praying. One thing I do know is that he kept on going and kept building his web. It was fascinating to watch, even though I’m not a great big fan of spiders.
     About a week later little spider had made a webbed ramp that went a quarter of the way down the window sill, completing his work of art. There were many times when I thought I should take him outside, but something always stopped me. Maybe I was curious as to what would happen next or maybe I didn’t want to be the one to capture the spider in case he got away from me.
     Days passed and still nothing. Little spider would come from his spiral hole and stand in the galaxy of his webbed wonder and just sit there. If I tapped on the window he would run back down into his hole to safety.
     Then the day came that a miracle happened. It was a warm day, and somehow a big horsefly got into the house and found its way into my room. That fly buzzed and buzzed around my room, and I kept thinking, “Please go away and get out of here.” I had completely forgotten all about little spider. That great big horsefly buzzed past my head and began to make strange buzzing sounds. I turned around and was surprised to see that it had flown right into little spider’s web. It was too late for that horsefly; he was trapped and couldn’t get away. Spider jumped out of his little hole and pounced on that horsefly once it stopped buzzing. It wasn’t long before that little spider had him wrapped up like a mummy and so began his feast.
     Even though I thought that little spider was alone, obviously he wasn’t. Creator was with him every step of the way and even made sure he was rewarded for his patience and well-laid plans. That spider fully expected to have his blessing, and he got it, in a big way.
     So what is the lesson from little spider? It is very simple: carefully laid plans and expectancy brings forth blessings when you rely on Creator for assistance. And for all of you who are curious, little spider is now fatter and is still in my window sill –at least for now.


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