If it’s not for the good of humanity, then it’s not from the heart.
The time is now for you to make some radical changes in your lives. The earth is shifting and all that dwells within is shifting in greatness too. Be strong, aware, and know that you are loved and protected by the light of the holy one. Have faith that the chaos will pass. Remember that this is a journey of peace and it must begin with you. Let go of old misconceptions about life and be an open channel so that you can see with spiritual eyes. Love, faith, forgiveness, and being present are the only ways to get to the truth, the real truth. You are the only one who can make the radical changes necessary to right the earth for all who dwell upon it. You are all connected together by this great universal energy called light. By choosing to be a force of love as you move throughout this world, your entire lives will shift into a better place. Peace, happiness, prosperity of the heart, and a golden crown of ribbons await you. Be unwavering in your faith and be love, be love, love, love. Step up, and make a difference. Be a light in the world and live your lives without judgment, fear, or anxiety. All that is for you will emerge and just like the transformation of a caterpillar, your heart will fly higher and higher. Continue to make note of impending changes and go deep within your heart and know that all will be well. You are the one, the only one who can change things. Be persistent in your
quest for peace by beginning the journey inward. Raise your consciousness to the utmost high with the joy of self-discovery. Take a giant leap and move toward greatness. By unsticking your lives and following your own unique path to illumination, you will witness miracles beyond your wildest dreams. Take hold of the reigns and reclaim your power, by letting faith lead you to blessings of peace, a cause, and a reason. The opportunity to dwell in love is all around you. Make the jump and let it begin with you.
Congratulations on the launching of the blogsite. What a marvelous way to share Creator's messages of love and light. This posting is very timely. I will return to read it again as it is touching many aspects of my life. It is providing spiritual food to integrate into my daily life. Thank you. God Bless you, Sheryl. You are feeding the Good Shepherd's sheep and spreading messages of hope.