
Showing posts from December 30, 2012

Moving Forward

Dear Beautiful Ones,      As you make your transition into this new year, take heed. It is time to lay down all of the ugliness that has riddled your thoughts. Identify, overcome, and let them go so that you can excel in this next phase of your existence. You are the one who needs to be more aware of the things that you do to sabotage yourself. Seek peace within and be a martyr to your own soul. Justice, truth, and fulfillment of your own destiny will make your light grow brighter. Make yourself a priority, because there is no one better or more deserving. Do not shortchange yourself with foolish lies that you entrapped yourself with.      Walk into this new year with faith and peace in your heart. Surrender to your loving nature by becoming the glue that binds up wounds and heals the sick. Together we all form a cohesive network of continuous energy. You matter, and every person has something to contribute in this life. There is no task th...