Tossing the Old Scratched Record
Dear Beautiful Ones,
There are plenty of ways to reach euphoria. Pick one way and work on it. You are like a lighted star – brightly shinning and twinkling all day long. Go forward and be Creator’s bright, shinning star filled with light.
You are the only one who can change your existence. If you chose to fade away into the shadows of life and not participate in the glory of living, then your life will remain dull. Don’t let others dim your light and snuff you out. Think ahead by using your heart in conjunction with a positive mind. For change to take place you must be well grounded in reality and possess the desire to look negativity in the face and be unaffected.
You can, you know. It is a choice that you all can make. Everyday you make choices. Whatever you stand for, do it because it is in tune with your heart. Do not allow the ego to overshadow your true nature. Be a giver of love and acceptance. Participate by helping to align another’s heart with knowledge. You can do wonders if you just take a chance and step out of fear. It’s all in the mind, the mind of doubt. Make peace with it and let go of it for good. Bring truth to it everyday no matter what obstacles you may face.
The world is a wondrous place to be. You have to step off the merry-go-round of continually reinventing the same lessons over and over again. With your refusal to grasp the meaning of the lesson the first time, you slow your progress. The playground is filled with remarkable things. Take a journey into playland and ride the different rides and be a thrill seeker of spiritual knowledge.
Nothing worthy in the world is accomplished by playing it safe and giving into fright. Step out of yourself and breathe, if just for a moment. See now, that isn’t so hard, is it? It’s not as scary as you might think. Come out of comfort and break into your new song and toss out the old scratched record. That old damaged record will never play right no matter how many times you try to clean it. It’s scratched. If you can be true to your light and take a moment to listen without the noise, you will hear a little voice tell you what you should do. It is the voice of knowledge, and everyone has it.
It is up to you to listen for the song and sing it with gusto. Sing it loud, sing it clear, and remember practice makes a near-perfect song. No matter how out of tune you may think you are, you are progressing as it becomes an easy flowing melody.
Challenge yourself by refreshing yourself with infused knowledge. Take note of the changes you feel inside your body when you mull over something important. You can tell by the tension or elation what decision is in your best interest. You will get a clue if you pay attention to internal signals. Let Creator help you make a leap of faith by calling forth your own power and being mighty in your trials. You cannot be stopped by anything but fear.
Be forward moving in your approach to life and live it richly, grandly, and always, always, always do it for the good of your fellow man, woman, and child. Take care of all that dwells upon the earth. Be a peacekeeper and live in harmony. Everything with a spirit has a purpose for sharing the same space here in our reality. In the grand scheme of things on the earth, we are all too extraordinary to be ordinary. Peace and love will always rule the heart.
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